Available in an assortment of five translucent colors including: Green, Blue, Orange, Black and Red. Three button cell batteries are included. The combination of the HEXBUG Scarab’s six specially designed angular legs, coupled with its lightning speed, make it easy to for it to propel against obstacles in its path and flip over if caught on its back. The HEXBUG Scarab moves so frenetically that it is nearly impossible to follow without a slow motion camera. Packed with advanced design and engineering, each Scarab has an inner body loaded with robotic intelligence, protected by a hard, transparent exoskeleton casing. The Scarab’s lifelike behavior is eerily mesmerizing to watch and interact with. The high energy micro robotic creature propels itself forwards and backwards, and is capable of popping from its back to its feet if placed upside down. The HEXBUG® Scarab is an exceptionally high-speed, mechanical, beetle-like robotic bug that skitters around on six angled legs.

In addition to HEXBUGs, Innovation First produces the Vex Robotics Design System, the top-selling robotics platform in middle and high schools. Today, the company is an industry leader in hobby, competition and education robotics, as well as a developer of consumer robotics toys.

Innovation First began producing electronics for robots in 1996.

“HEXBUGs were a runaway success that we had not anticipated,” Joel said. The company introduced the HEXBUG in spring 2007 and sold more than 1.5 million units by year end. We knew we could do better cost-wise and come up with a cooler product.” Getting from the initial idea to actual production took nine months.

“We saw people waiting to pay big bucks for a bag full of component parts and an instruction sheet on how to build robot bugs that didn’t do much. “The power of observation is important to succeed,” Joel Carter, vice president of marketing at Innovation First, told TDmonthly Magazine, explaining that the inspiration for HEXBUGs came because of a long line at a robotics trade show. If a robot toy were crossed with an insect, what would you get? A HEXBUG! For Innovation First, the result has been a sellout, with demand overwhelming supply in the products’ first year.